We offer internships for high school seniors and college students interested in exploring professional musical theatre as a potential career path. Coeur d'Alene Summer Theatre's Musical Theatre Training Institute (MTTI) presents three Pop-Up Workshops, breaking down the 3 performing arts skills central to Musical Theatre: Acting, Singing, and Dance. All workshops are 60 minutes, portable, modular, and can be modified for any age group and 5-50 participants, with a 30-minute load-in and load-out.
For pricing and schedule, email us
In this exciting and exploratory workshop, up to 50 participants are invited to experience an acting class. We start with a group vocal/physical warm-up and an improv game, then folders are distributed containing the Shakespearean monologue selected for their group’s workshop. We then break out into three education-stations:
1. Breath and Posture Station - posture and breath coaching for vocal production, in front of multi-angled mirrors, using various teaching aids for voice and speech.
2. Text Station - each participant receives a folder with their scene and monologue, and is guided to annotate their text for performance, as well as address the vocabulary and diction questions in their pieces, and creating “in other words” explanations, line by line.
3. Vocal Anatomy Station - a STEAM demonstration of how healthy sound and diction is created in the body, using 3-D anatomical models and posters of the vocal and respiratory systems.
Once we’ve warmed up and visited each education station, we break into pairs for rehearsing our monologues, then participants are invited to perform their Shakespearean monologues and scenes on our pop-up stage! Supportive feedback is encouraged from the group. The demonstration will show how many actors can approach the same text in different ways. The workshop concludes with the entire group reciting the monologue together.
In this exciting and exploratory workshop, up to 50 participants are invited to experience a voice lesson. We start with a group vocal warm-up with our accompanist, distribute folders with vocal terms, their sheet music, and lyric sheets, learn the Broadway song selected for their group, then break out into three education-stations:
1. Breath and Posture Station - posture coaching for voice, and diaphragmatic breathing, in front of multi-angled mirrors, using various tried-and-true teaching aids for establishing diaphragmatic breath support.
2. Music-and-Lyrics Station - each participant receives a folder with their song’s lyrics and sheet music, and is taught how to annotate their lyric sheet and read their sheet music for singing.
3. Vocal Anatomy Station - a STEAM demonstration of how healthy sound is created in the body, using hands-on anatomical models and posters representing the vocal and respiratory systems.
Once we’ve warmed our voices and visited each education station, participants are invited to perform the Broadway song on our pop-up stage! Supportive feedback is encouraged from the group. The workshop concludes with the entire group singing the song together.
In this exciting and exploratory workshop, up to 50 participants are invited to experience a Dance Workshop introducing them to the fundamentals of dance for Musical Theatre. After guided stretches and a warm-up, a video of the original Broadway choreography selected for their group’s workshop is shown, and participants receive a folder containing dance terms, diagrams, and their choreography. We then break out into three education-stations:
1. Dance Vocabulary - participants learn and review the basic building blocks of choreography: the 5 positions of the feet and arms, 8 counts, plie, releve, pas de bouree, ball changes, holding, marking vs. full out, cleaning, tempo, working vs. supporting leg, spacing, windows, and formations.
2. Turning Station - through movement isolations, participants learn the head positioning (spotting) and posture for safe and balanced turns, and work their way up from ¼ to ½, to single jazz pirouettes, in front of mirrors provided by the workshop.
3. Anatomy Station - a STEAM demonstration of the hip flexors, turnout muscles, hamstrings, gluteal muscles, and foot/ankle muscles, using 3-d anatomical models, posters, and a wooden doll for demonstrating alignment- the form required for healthy and sustainable dance.
Once we’ve warmed up and visited each education station, participants are invited to learn 32-64 counts of original Broadway choreography as a large group, and rehearse their dance in small groups, with optional constructive feedback from the group. Workshop concludes with all participants performing the workshop’s choreography together.
Sharing the joy of professional musical theatre since 1967
Idaho's oldest performing arts organization